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Auto ID

Available Functions

Auto ID Functions

  • addDaysToCurrentDate(days: number): Date: Returns a new Date object representing the current date plus a specified number of days.
  • authenticateAutoIdUser(api: ApiPromise, autoId: string, challenge: BufferSource, signature: BufferSource): Promise<boolean>: Authenticates an AutoID user by verifying a signature over a challenge.
  • AutoIdError: Enum representing possible AutoID errors, such as UnknownIssuer, InvalidCertificate, etc.
  • checkCertificateAndRevocationList(api: ApiPromise, autoIdIdentifier: string, getCertificate: (id: string) => Promise<AutoIdX509Certificate | undefined>): Promise<AutoIdX509Certificate>: Checks if a certificate exists and is not revoked.
  • convertX509CertToDerEncodedComponents(certificate: x509.X509Certificate): [Uint8Array, Uint8Array]: Converts an X509 certificate to DER-encoded OID and TBS (To Be Signed) certificate components.
  • decryptPem(pem: string, password: string): string: Decrypts an encrypted PEM-formatted key using the provided password.
  • deactivateAutoId(api: ApiPromise, autoIdIdentifier: string, signature: Signature): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>: Creates a transaction to deactivate an AutoID.
  • derEncodeSignatureAlgorithmOID(oid: string, parameters?: ArrayBuffer | null): Uint8Array: DER-encodes a signature algorithm OID with optional parameters.
  • getCertificate(api: ApiPromise, autoIdIdentifier: string): Promise<AutoIdX509Certificate | undefined>: Retrieves a certificate from the blockchain given an AutoID identifier.
  • getCertificateRevocationList(api: ApiPromise, autoIdIdentifier: string): Promise<string[]>: Retrieves the certificate revocation list for a given AutoID identifier.
  • getCertificateSubjectPublicKey(api: ApiPromise, autoIdIdentifier: string): Promise<CryptoKey>: Retrieves the subject's public key from a certificate stored on the blockchain.
  • hexStringToU8a(hexString: string): Uint8Array: Converts a hexadecimal string to a Uint8Array.
  • identifierFromX509Cert(issuerId: string | null | undefined, certificate: x509.X509Certificate): string: Generates an AutoID identifier from an X509 certificate and optional issuer ID.
  • mapErrorCodeToEnum(errorCode: string): AutoIdError | null: Maps an error code to the corresponding AutoIdError enum value.
  • pemToCryptoKeyForSigning(pem: string, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaHashedImportParams | EcKeyImportParams): Promise<CryptoKey>: Converts a PEM key to a CryptoKey suitable for signing operations.
  • pemToHex(pem: string): string: Converts a PEM-formatted key to a hexadecimal string.
  • registerAutoId(api: ApiPromise, certificate: x509.X509Certificate, issuerId?: string): SubmittableExtrinsic: Creates a transaction to register an AutoID on the blockchain.
  • renewAutoId(api: ApiPromise, autoIdIdentifier: string, newCertificate: x509.X509Certificate): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>: Creates a transaction to renew an AutoID with a new certificate.
  • revokeCertificate(api: ApiPromise, autoIdIdentifier: string, signature: Signature): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>: Creates a transaction to revoke a certificate on the blockchain.
  • validateCertificatePublicKey(certPublicKey: x509.PublicKey, derivedPublicKey: CryptoKey): Promise<boolean>: Validates whether a derived public key matches the public key in a certificate.

Certificate Management

  • certificateToPem(cert: x509.X509Certificate): string: Converts a certificate object to a PEM-formatted string.
  • createAndSignCSR(subjectName: string, keyPair: CryptoKeyPair): Promise<x509.Pkcs10CertificateRequest>: Creates and signs a CSR in one step.
  • createCSR(subjectName: string, keyPair: CryptoKeyPair): Promise<x509.Pkcs10CertificateRequest>: Creates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) with the given subject name and key pair.
  • getCertificateAutoId(certificate: x509.X509Certificate): string | undefined: Extracts the AutoID from the certificate's Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension.
  • getSubjectCommonName(subject: x509.Name): string | undefined: Retrieves the common name (CN) from a certificate subject.
  • issueCertificate(csr: x509.Pkcs10CertificateRequest, issuerCertificateData: CertificateData, validityPeriodDays?: number): Promise<x509.X509Certificate>: Issues a certificate based on a CSR, issuer's certificate data, and validity period.
  • pemToCertificate(pem: string): x509.X509Certificate: Converts a PEM-formatted certificate string to a certificate object.
  • prettyPrintCertificate(cert: x509.X509Certificate): void: Prints detailed information about a certificate to the console.
  • saveCertificate(certificate: x509.X509Certificate, filePath: string): Promise<void>: Saves a certificate to a specified file in PEM format.
  • selfIssueCertificate(subjectName: string, keyPair: CryptoKeyPair, validityPeriodDays?: number): Promise<x509.X509Certificate>: Generates a self-signed certificate with the given subject name and key pair.
  • signCSR(csr: x509.Pkcs10CertificateRequest, keyPair: CryptoKeyPair): Promise<x509.Pkcs10CertificateRequest>: Signs a CSR using the provided private key.

Key Management

  • cryptoKeyPairFromPrivateKey(privateKey: CryptoKey, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaHashedImportParams | EcKeyImportParams, password?: string): Promise<CryptoKeyPair>: Generates a key pair from a given private key.
  • cryptoKeyToPem(key: CryptoKey, password?: string): Promise<string>: Converts a CryptoKey to a PEM-formatted string. If a password is provided and the key is private, it will be encrypted.
  • doPublicKeysMatch(publicKey1: CryptoKey, publicKey2: CryptoKey): Promise<boolean>: Compares two public keys to determine if they are identical.
  • generateEd25519KeyPair(): Promise<CryptoKeyPair>: Generates an Ed25519 key pair for signing and verification.
  • generateRsaKeyPair(keySize?: number): Promise<CryptoKeyPair>: Generates an RSA key pair with the specified key size (default is 2048 bits).
  • keyToHex(key: CryptoKey): Promise<string>: Converts a CryptoKey to a hexadecimal string representation.
  • loadPrivateKey(filePath: string, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaHashedImportParams | EcKeyImportParams, password?: string): Promise<CryptoKey>: Loads a private key from a file and converts it to a CryptoKey. Supports encrypted keys with a password.
  • loadPublicKey(filePath: string, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaHashedImportParams | EcKeyImportParams): Promise<CryptoKey>: Loads a public key from a file and converts it to a CryptoKey.
  • pemToPrivateKey(pemData: string, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaHashedImportParams | EcKeyImportParams, password?: string): Promise<CryptoKey>: Converts a PEM-formatted private key string to a CryptoKey. Supports encrypted keys with a password.
  • pemToPublicKey(pemData: string, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaHashedImportParams | EcKeyImportParams): Promise<CryptoKey>: Converts a PEM-formatted public key string to a CryptoKey.
  • rawToPrivateKey(arrayBuffer: Uint8Array, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaHashedImportParams | EcKeyImportParams): Promise<CryptoKey>: Imports a private key from raw binary data into a CryptoKey.
  • rawToPublicKey(rawKey: Uint8Array, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaHashedImportParams | EcKeyImportParams): Promise<CryptoKey>: Imports a public key from raw binary data into a CryptoKey.
  • saveKey(key: CryptoKey, filePath: string, password?: string): Promise<void>: Saves a CryptoKey to a file in PEM format. If a password is provided, the private key will be encrypted.


All functions that return a Promise<T> should be awaited to retrieve the desired data. Functions returning a SubmittableExtrinsic can be signed and submitted to the blockchain.