
Auto Consensus

Available Functions

Account Management

  • account(api: Api, address: string): Promise<AccountData>: Retrieves account information including nonce and balance data.
  • balance(api: Api, address: string): Promise<BalanceData>: Retrieves the balance data of a given address.


  • totalIssuance(networkId?: string): Promise<BigInt>: Retrieves the total token issuance in the network.

Blockchain Information

  • block(api: Api): Promise<RawBlock>: Retrieves the latest block data.
  • blockHash(api: Api): Promise<string>: Retrieves the hash of the latest block.
  • blockNumber(api: Api): Promise<number>: Retrieves the current block number.
  • getInfo(): Promise<Info>: Retrieves general blockchain information.
  • networkTimestamp(api: Api): Promise<Codec>: Retrieves the current network timestamp.

Consensus Information

  • blockchainSize(api: Api): Promise<bigint>: Calculates the total size of the blockchain.
  • maxPiecesInSector(api: Api): bigint: Retrieves the maximum number of pieces allowed in a sector.
  • segmentCommitment(api: Api): Promise<[StorageKey, Codec][]>: Retrieves the segment commitments.
  • shouldAdjustSolutionRange(api: Api): Promise<boolean>: Determines whether the solution range should be adjusted.
  • slotProbability(api: Api): [number, number]: Retrieves the slot probability constants.
  • solutionRangeToSectors(solutionRange: bigint, slotProbability: [bigint, bigint], piecesInSector: bigint): bigint: Calculates the number of sectors based on the solution range, slot probability, and pieces in a sector.
  • solutionRanges(api: Api): Promise<{ current: bigint | null; next: bigint | null; votingCurrent: bigint | null; votingNext: bigint | null }>: Retrieves the current and next solution ranges.
  • spacePledge(api: Api): Promise<bigint>: Calculates the total space pledged by farmers.


  • domainStakingSummary(api: Api): Promise<DomainStakingSummary[]>: Retrieves staking summaries for domains.
  • domains(api: Api): Promise<DomainRegistry[]>: Retrieves a list of domain registries.
  • latestConfirmedDomainBlock(api: Api): Promise<ConfirmedDomainBlock[]>: Retrieves the latest confirmed blocks for each domain.


  • blockchainSize(api: Api): Promise<bigint>: Calculates the total size of the blockchain.
  • spacePledge(api: Api): Promise<bigint>: Calculates the total space pledged in the network.

Operators and Staking

  • deposits(api: Api, operatorId: StringNumberOrBigInt, account?: string): Promise<Deposit[]>: Retrieves deposit information for an operator and optional account.
  • deregisterOperator(params: StakingParams): SubmittableExtrinsic: Creates a transaction to deregister an operator.
  • nominateOperator(params: NominateOperatorParams): SubmittableExtrinsic: Creates a transaction to nominate an operator and stake an amount.
  • operator(api: Api, operatorId: StringNumberOrBigInt): Promise<OperatorDetails>: Retrieves detailed information about a specific operator.
  • operators(api: Api): Promise<Operator[]>: Retrieves a list of all operators.
  • registerOperator(params: RegisterOperatorParams): SubmittableExtrinsic: Creates a transaction to register a new operator.
  • unlockFunds(params: StakingParams): SubmittableExtrinsic: Creates a transaction to unlock funds after operator deregistration.
  • unlockNominator(params: StakingParams): SubmittableExtrinsic: Creates a transaction to unlock a nominator's funds.
  • withdrawStake(params: WithdrawStakeParams): SubmittableExtrinsic: Creates a transaction to withdraw staked shares from an operator.
  • withdrawals(api: Api, operatorId: StringNumberOrBigInt, account?: string): Promise<Withdrawal[]>: Retrieves withdrawal information for an operator and optional account.


  • transfer(api: ApiPromise, receiver: string, amount: Amount, allowDeath?: boolean): SubmittableExtrinsic: Creates a transaction to transfer an amount to a receiver. Uses transferKeepAlive if allowDeath is false, otherwise uses transferAllowDeath.
  • transferAll(api: ApiPromise, receiver: string, keepAlive?: boolean): SubmittableExtrinsic: Creates a transaction to transfer all tokens to a receiver. If keepAlive is true, keeps the sender's account alive.

Utility Functions

  • query<T>(api: Api, methodPath: string, params?: any[]): Promise<T>: Queries the blockchain state for a specified method with optional parameters.
  • remark(api: ApiPromise, remark: string, withEvent?: boolean): SubmittableExtrinsic: Creates a remark transaction with or without an event.
  • rpc<T>(api: Api, methodPath: string, params?: any[]): Promise<T>: Performs an RPC call to a specified method with optional parameters.

Import Example

import { generateAddress, getBalance, stake, transfer, getInfo } from '@autonomys/auto-consensus'

Overview of Api Object

When working with the SDK functions like those in auto-consensus, the api: Api parameter is a crucial component. It's an instance of the Polkadot.js API, specifically ApiPromise, which serves as the gateway to interact with the blockchain node.

Core Components:

  • api.rpc: Contains methods to perform remote procedure calls to the node. These include calls for querying system information, submitting extrinsics, and accessing chain data.

  • api.query: Provides access to the blockchain's runtime storage. You can query on-chain storage items, such as balances, staking information, and module-specific data.

  • api.tx: Allows you to create and submit extrinsics (transactions) to the blockchain. It includes methods for constructing and signing transactions for various pallets/modules.

  • api.consts: Exposes the runtime constants defined in the blockchain's metadata. This includes information like existential deposit, block time, or any constants set by runtime modules.

  • api.types: Contains the type definitions used by the chain, which are crucial for encoding and decoding data correctly.

  • api.events: Provides access to the events emitted by the blockchain, which can be subscribed to for real-time updates.

This code examples might be helpful to understrand api: API object:

// Getting the current chain header (block height)
const endpoint = 'wss://rpc-0.gemini-3h.subspace.network/ws'
const api = await createConnection(endpoint)
const blockNumber = await api.rpc.chain.getHeader()
console.log('Block Number:', blockNumber.number.toNumber())


All functions that return a SubmittableExtrinsic can be signed and submitted to the blockchain. Functions returning Promise<T> should be awaited to retrieve the desired data.

Usage Example

Task: To get the wallet balance on a consensus chain

  1. Get the RPC endpoint information for the consensus chain, which is available here.

    • For this example, we'll use 'wss://rpc-0.gemini-3h.subspace.network/ws' as the endpoint.
  2. Determine which methods are needed to accomplish the task.

    • createConnection from @autonomys/auto-utils to establish a connection to the node.
    • balance from @autonomys/auto-consensus to retrieve the wallet balance.
  3. Create a .js or .ts file and include the following code.

    // Required to get the API for the balance function
    const { createConnection } = require('@autonomys/auto-utils');
    // Required to query the RPC in order to get the balance
    const { balance } = require('@autonomys/auto-consensus');

    async function getApiInstance() {
    // Use the correct, up-to-date endpoint
    const endpoint = 'wss://rpc-0.gemini-3h.subspace.network/ws';
    const api = await createConnection(endpoint);
    return api;

    async function getWalletBalance() {
    try {
    // Initialize the API instance
    const api = await getApiInstance();

    // Replace with your wallet address
    const walletAddress = 'st7woZs4wA6F9ssvdg3DzZi6v3s9MB7DXE3LS1fzTQA16nJSP';

    // Call the balance function with the API and wallet address
    const walletBalance = await balance(api, walletAddress);

    console.log('Wallet Balance:', walletBalance);

    // Disconnect when done
    await api.disconnect();
    } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching wallet balance:', error);



    Replace 'st7woZs4wA6F9ssvdg3DzZi6v3s9MB7DXE3LS1fzTQA16nJSP' with your actual wallet address.

    The createConnection function initializes the API instance connected to the specified endpoint.

  4. Save the file and run it using the following command node ./test-function.js. You should see the wallet balance printed in the console.

Additional Tips:

  • Async/Await: Both createConnection and balance are asynchronous functions returning promises. Using await ensures that the code waits for these operations to complete before proceeding.

  • API Disconnection: It's good practice to disconnect from the API when you're done to free up resources.

  • Logging: The script logs the wallet balance to the console. You can modify this to format the output or handle it as needed for your application.